Published on 07/18/2024
Written by Fabiana Tinoco
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Maximo Visual Inspection (MVI) is IBM’s solution for visual inspections powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning. MVI is part of the Maximo Application Suite (MAS) package but can also operate independently. In other words, clients do not need Maximo Manage, Monitor, Health, or Predict to use Maximo Visual Inspection. The solution is distributed by iT.eam, which provides full support for implementation.
Visual inspection refers to inspections performed by the human eye; however, MVI works with images and videos.
The implementation of the solution involves three steps, from image integration to production. Here’s how each stage works:
The client provides a set of images for MVI, known as a dataset, and assigns labels to these images, such as (correct, incorrect, OK, NOK, car, person, flashlight, etc.). Within a specific objective or case, criteria are defined to suit the situation.
After building the dataset and labeling the images, the client must select the best model for his needs. MVI offers four predefined models/algorithms to address various requirements: Image Classification, Object Detection, Image Segmentation, and Action Recognition. Models can also be combined!
These algorithms make the solution NoCode, meaning no programming is required.
Once the images are labeled and a model is selected, the solution enters the training phase. After training, the solution can proceed to testing or even production.
MVI makes the inspection process more efficient since machines don’t experience fatigue, operate 24/7, and avoid the 20–30% failure rates associated with human inspections (Drury & Fox, 1975).
Key Differentiator: After analyzing an image or video, the insight generated by MVI can trigger an action!
This action could involve creating a record in a system, integrating with a PLC to activate a light or siren, or sending an SMS or WhatsApp message. This automation can happen in real time!
MVI is available as SaaS (Software as a Service), on-premises, or in a hybrid model.
Hybrid Solution: MVI requires a high-performance computer with GPUs for model training, which is often faster and easier to acquire through a public cloud.
However, it’s advantageous to bring the solution closer to monitoring points, such as cameras, DVRs, and sensors. This is where two other pillars of the solution come into play: Maximo Visual Inspection Mobile and Edge.
Maximo Visual Inspection Mobile: Tablets and Apple iPhones that receive trained models and are ready to generate insights and automate integrations.
Edge: Servers capable of processing images or videos. They also generate insights and automate integrations.
IBM has case studies in industries such as vehicle manufacturing, PPE checks, airports, and transmission line inspections.
Monitoring large structures, such as concrete bridges, is another use case for MVI.
Bring your project to iT.eam. Let’s innovate and make a difference with MVI!
Written by: Leonardo Lima
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