Ethics and Compliance

The iT.eam Reporting Channel is a way of expanding our commitment to moral and ethical values, integrity, current legislation and organization guidelines. Our employees, partners and society can communicate with us through this channel, confidentially and, if desired, anonymously.

If you want to identify yourself and receive a response about the result of the investigation of the complaint, fill in the fields on the side (optional).

Canal Ética

Select the subjects

Please describe the situation that motivates you to communicate with us. Try to be precise and as complete as possible, informing the facts that occurred, dates, people, places, moment and motivation.

The iT.eam

Offices in Brazil

Belo Horizonte

Rua Sergipe, 1014 | 6º andar Savassi - Belo Horizonte / MG CEP: 30130-171

+55 (31) 4063-7340


Av. Fued José Sebba, 700 Jardim Goiás, Goiânia / GO CEP: 74805-100

Office in The Netherlands

WTC The Hague

Prinses Margrietplantsoen 33, 2595 AM Den Haag, The Netherlands

+31 6 83 52 27 74

+31 6 46 15 29 68

Data Protection Officer: | E-mail: | Phone: | Opening Hours: Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 18:00

iT.eam Copyright 2024 - All rights reserved.