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iT.eam Security offers a portfolio of market-leading cybersecurity solutions

And skilled professionals to support your company in addressing today's cybersecurity challenges


Monitor and Enforce

Environmental Hygiene

Identity Governance and Administration

Monitor and Enforce

Only through continuous monitoring and compliance can you be truly protected.

Solution capable of controlling and monitoring access to data stored in databases and file servers.

Solution capable of enforcing policies, recommended configurations and hardening of your servers and endpoints

Solution capable of controlling the way information enters and leaves your organization.

Environmental Hygiene

A good cyber hygiene environment requires a strong security culture and the right technologies.

Solution capable of identifying and analyzing vulnerabilities in your organization's applications.

Solution capable of identifying and correcting the vulnerabilities to which your infrastructure is exposed. Through checklists such as CIS and DISA and advanced patch management.

Solution capable of performing Virtual Patching to guarantee immunity to the latest threats.

Identity Governance and Administration

How to guarantee identity management without adding risks to the business, overloading the area with access correction demands, having super privileged users and monitoring all of this?

Solution capable of managing access and privileges across your organization.

Solution capable of managing all identities and risks that privileges bring to your business.

Solution for managing privileged accounts. IBM's new password vault brings a lightweight and simple product to ensure that your privileged accounts are not misused.

The identity mapping service that brings insight through RBAC - Role Based Access Control - and BAM - Business Activity Mapping - to facilitate the creation of SoD - Segregation of Duties - in your organization.

Monitor and Enforce

Only through continuous monitoring and compliance can you be truly protected.

Solution capable of controlling and monitoring access to data stored in databases and file servers.

Solution capable of enforcing policies, recommended configurations and hardening of your servers and endpoints

Solution capable of controlling the way information enters and leaves your organization.

Advanced Threats

Detect and respond to advanced threats

Advanced threats are increasingly present in our daily lives and it is essential for the security strategy to be able to detect these attacks and stop them as quickly as possible.

Incident response orchestration

Currently, 77% of organizations lack an appropriate incident response plan, and security analysts are overwhelmed with handling these incidents properly.

Through orchestration, we can ensure the quality of the response and decrease the required time by up to 40x.

IBM Security Qradar SOAR

Solution capable of integrating with your Information Security park and bringing the response to another level through fully integrated and automated workflows.

Dynamic Response Playbooks

Using IBM SOAR, we can build playbooks that adapt as the incident response process unfolds. Are critical assets involved that weren't initially mapped? Have leaked personal data been discovered? Have the correct processes and automations for each situation.

Support the growth of your business.

Hybrid Cloud

Currently, every company has or plans to have cloud solutions, but the big question is how to carry out this migration without losing the necessary security. In the same way as in a hybrid environment, we need to keep the environment sanitized and monitored.

Asset protection

57% of CISOs do not know where their critical data is used, and although data is an organization's most valuable asset, there are other concerns, the forecast is that by 2020 we will have 20.8B of “things” to protect. Therefore, a strategy that seeks to protect data, applications and assets/”things” is necessary.

Leverage your company's Security with iT.eam!

Prinses Margrietplantsoen 33, 2595 AM
Den Haag, The Netherlands

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