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We connect your devices through a complete IoT platform.

With IBM MAXIMO EAM, the world's leading EAM solution, it is possible to manage information in an innovative way, using cognitive solutions.

IoT | Internet of Things

Securely connect, manage and analyze IoT data with Watson IoT Platform

Connect your assets securely, collect and start processing IoT data quickly and easily.

Our IoT solution is still able to scale and adapt quickly to evolving business needs. Changes are made without compromising security, privacy or risk levels.

Analyze data in easy-to-configure dashboards, through an extensible catalog of analytical functions to enrich, enhance and ultimately gain insights from the data in a simple and intuitive way.

Enterprise Asset Management

The IBM MAXIMO Asset Management suite provides a single point of control for all types of assets.

Management of manufacturing assets, building infrastructure and facilities, logistics and transport, among others, allowing the organization to share and consolidate its best practices, resources and people.

With IBM MAXIMO EAM you can gain real-time visibility of asset utilization, better control and extend the asset lifecycle, increase the return on assets and even reduce investment costs with new acquisitions.

Industry 4.0

We are ready to support you in the main technologies that enable fusion through artificial intelligence (AI), IoT, mobile systems and asset management

Revolution and Evolution: innovation for industry

The first three industrial revolutions brought mass production, assembly lines, electricity and information technology, raising workers' incomes and making technological competition the core of economic development. The fourth industrial revolution, which will have a more profound and exponential impact, is characterized by a set of technologies that allow the physical, digital and biological worlds to merge.

Plataformas de IoT
Interfaces homem-máquina avançadas
Impressão 3D
Computação em Nuvem

Sensores inteligentes
Autenticação e detecção de fraudes
Interações multinível com o cliente e perfil do cliente
Big Data & Analytics
Realidade Aumentada e Wearables

Cognitive Intelligence
Knowledge at scale for your business

Cognition is the process that the human mind uses to acquire knowledge from incoming information.

With the advance of technology, this capacity is now being integrated into systems that can learn on a large scale and help society in a variety of ways, from customer service to combating serious illnesses, this solution is also called artificial intelligence.

Watson is the open multi-cloud platform that lets you automate the AI lifecycle. Create powerful models from scratch or speed up time to value with pre-developed enterprise applications.

APM | Asset Performance Management
Improve operations with Asset Performance Management (APM)

What is APM?

Asset Performance Management (APM) extends your Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) systems using powerful data capture and AI analysis tools.

APM enables maintenance analysis by providing intelligence to anticipate asset failure before it occurs. Shift your production from corrective/preventive maintenance to predictive maintenance to reduce costly and unnecessary repairs to keep your plant running at optimum efficiency 24 hours a day.

Optimize the health of your assets

APM monitors factors such as the condition, cost, performance and useful life of your assets to define their integrity and prioritize actions.

Get fault prediction

Use historical and current asset performance data, maintenance records, inspection reports and environmental data to correlate performance factors that predict asset degradation or failure.

Understand the needs of your assets

APM reduces the mean time between failures. It provides specific repair recommendations, especially for the most complex equipment.

Improve strategy and monitor risks

APM increases the focus on your critical assets. It provides better management of inspections, maintenance, repair and operations (MRO) and helps prioritize between replacement or repair.

Ready for the revolution?

Talk to
our consultants

+55 (31) 4063-7340 contato@it-eam.com
Rua Sergipe, 1014 | 6º andar
Bairro Savassi - Belo Horizonte, MG
CEP: 30.130-171