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Always make the best decisions for your company.

In the modern world, data is an organization's most valuable asset.

And knowing how to take advantage of the information they provide can be the difference between becoming one more, or the leader in your segment. The analytics unit brings you everything you need to support your organization in its digital transformation, becoming a data-driven organization.

To do this, we support you in all the necessary steps, data processing, Analytics and Artificial Intelligence.

Data processing

Know your data and make the best decisions for your business

In order to get the most value out of your organization's data, it must have quality. And iT.eam is able to bring this quality through its process of data mapping, centralization and unification. We can consult the data in various databases and ensure that it is as complete, up-to-date and correct as possible.

Discover the advantages:

Aumento nas vendas
Diminuição de despesas
Previsão de acontecimentos
Interfaces homem-máquina avançadas
Melhora a experiência do cliente

Melhorar a eficiência e inovação
Diminui riscos
Conheça melhor seus clientes



Predictive Analysis

By analyzing data patterns with mathematical models we can predict the operation of your business.

Through it we can understand what happened, why it happened, identify a plan for improvement and simulate results based on the plans identified.

Predictive analysis can be used to optimize various areas such as:

Identificação de Fraudes
Forecast de Vendas
Análise de Marketing
Manutenção de Ativos
Identificação de Preferencias

Cognitive Analysis
The era of cognitive computing has arrived and is already changing the way organizations do business.

By analyzing structured and unstructured data, we can teach IBM Watson Explorer to work continuously, standardized and intelligently for you.

Several customers already use it for service centers, as a document classifier, incident analyzer, virtual assistant, and as a tool capable of providing decisive information for decision-making.

With IBM Watson you have it:

Competitive Insights

Gain competitive insights from large masses of structured and unstructured data.

Process Automation

Reduce the need for human interaction with process automation.

Virtual Assistants

Virtual Assistants capable of automating work and analyzing the flow of a work process and even customer satisfaction.

Do you want to make the best decisions?
Contact us and find out more about Analytics
We have services and tools that facilitate and accelerate the adoption of Artificial Intelligence for your company.
+55 (31) 4063-7340 contato@it-eam.com
Rua Sergipe, 1014 | 6º andar
Bairro Savassi - Belo Horizonte, MG
CEP: 30.130-171
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