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IBM Maximo Application Suite Monitor

IBM Maximo Application Suite Monitor O IBM Maximo Application Suite (MAS)  Monitor é uma solução abrangente para gerenciamento inteligente de ativos, monitoramento, manutenção preditiva e confiabilidade. Neste artigo, exploraremos suas principais funcionalidades e como ele beneficia as empresas. Principais Funcionalidades: Análises Avançadas: O MAS  Monitor oferece insights detalhados (Como detecção de anomalias) para otimizar os […]

IBM Maximo Scheduler

We all want time and efficiency at work, to ensure quality in services and that everything flows, efficient management of resources is crucial to the success of any organization. In the context of maintenance and asset management, optimizing work schedules are key to maximizing productivity and reducing costs, it may seem like a [...]

IoT and IBM Maximo in agribusiness: Know the importance!

Agribusiness has been using advanced technologies to improve and monitor production in the field, including big data, IoT, drones and the IBM Maximo platform. These technologies allow farmers and ranchers to obtain precise information on soil conditions, climate, crop growth and animal health, among other important aspects of agricultural production. But with [...]

What are the main EAM solutions? See here!

Have you ever wondered how to guarantee the availability and efficiency of a company's assets? How can you maximize the useful life of equipment and reduce maintenance costs? EAM services could be the answer to all these questions. In this post, we'll explore EAM services and show [...]

4 Data Processing Center practices you should know about

Even if it's not common knowledge, we are constantly in contact with large Data Processing Centers. Google, for example, has an extremely secure storage and backup space that collects and stores information about everything we do on its web pages. Large companies, such as [...]

What is the relationship between 5g and the Internet of Things?

Combined with the Internet of Things, 3G and 4G technology have promoted connectivity in the virtual environment, which has had a direct impact on people's lives and on the routine of organizations by allowing access to the Internet via mobile devices. However, technology is constantly changing and the new digital age [...]

What is Fog Computing? Find out all about it here!

Concepts such as the Internet of Things and cloud computing are already part of the day-to-day life of every business that has bet on digital transformation or Industry 4.0. But in order for the IT trends of the 21st century to perform well, it's essential to adopt solutions that lay the foundations for [...]

What is Edge Computing and what are its benefits for analytics?

Cloud computing has continually evolved to meet the demands of the modern corporate world. In this context, Edge Computing has emerged as the best choice for those who want to invest in the cloud and have high performance when using solutions based on new developments, such as the Internet of Things. After all, this technology helps companies to [...]

Complete guide to firewalls and how they can protect companies

Every company that wants to prevent cybercrime should invest in a firewall. In today's scenario, where every business is connected to the web, this is the best security solution a manager can adopt. After all, this is a solution that reduces privacy risks, helps the business to have high control [...]

IoT platform: what is it, how does it work and how to hire it?

Technology is increasingly adding value to businesses around the world. Embracing intelligence, such as an IoT platform, is a wise move that can generate a number of benefits for an organization's management services. Now, what does this platform actually represent? What are these benefits? How does it work and what are the [...]


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