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Adquirir um produto ou contratar um produto como serviço?

Adquirir um produto ou contratar um produto como serviço? Qual a melhor decisão? Já te ofertaram um produto que atendia sua necessidade, mas você não conseguia avaliar se valia a pena o investimento? Ou o contrário, já lhe ofertaram um produto como serviço e você não sabia se era uma boa escolha? Hoje em dia […]

How to improve the customer experience? Check it out

The term Costumer Experience - or simply CX - has been applied constantly in the corporate sector, as the search for closer commercial ties between brands and customers is increasing. With the aim of improving the target audience's journey, this strategy has become indispensable for success in the market. After all, offering [...]

Demand forecasting: why should it be based on reliable data?

Demand forecasting is one of the fundamental points of management, especially in relation to the decision-making process. Increasingly, managers are relying on predictive analysis and data to take action. The sore point is the possibility of errors when inaccurate bases are used. Hence the need to rely on relevant data [...]

5 steps to develop a culture of innovation in your company

The culture of innovation is here to stay and will be the future of organizations. After all, in a new economic era, driven by digital transformation, it no longer makes sense to carry out tasks and manage companies as we did in the pre-internet era. There is a profound change in mindset that needs to be worked on in companies. This also involves [...]

Do you know how to scale your company?

Scalability is a series of actions implemented in companies that allow business to grow in a sustainable way, ensuring that the results are significant and, above all, long-lasting. This involves a series of changes to internal processes that guarantee a differentiated business model. To achieve this, it is important to have consistent strategies, [...]

Corporate governance and compliance: what do you need to know?

In the modern business landscape, corporate governance and compliance have become trends in security, maturity, transparency and, above all, in the reliability of organizations. As a result, more and more companies around the world are recognizing the importance of applying these concepts in their day-to-day work. However, despite significant advances, the challenges of adapting to [...]

How can you protect your company from phishing attacks?

Today's cyber attacks are varied: they combine extremely robust strategies with simpler tactics. Criminals assess which approach is best in each case. In some situations, it's ideal to take a very elaborate and modern action, while in others, classic actions work. Phishing attacks fit the definition of a classic attack [...]

How can data analysis help increase sales?

In recent years, data analysis has become increasingly present in the routine of business management and also in the daily lives of teams. However, are all companies prepared to put this methodology into practice? The answer is no! There are still a large number of companies that are unaware of [...]

IoT security: learn about the main implementation challenges

Digital intelligence is becoming increasingly important in the business world. In this scenario, devices are much more innovative, requiring a real IoT infrastructure. On this path, managers face a number of challenges, but these are perfectly surmountable. That's why it's important to get to know the principles, the difficulties and the main measures [...]


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