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Do you know how to scale your company?

Scalability is a series of actions implemented in companies that allow business to grow in a sustainable way, ensuring that the results are significant and, above all, long-lasting. This involves a series of changes to internal processes that guarantee a differentiated business model. To achieve this, it is important to have consistent strategies, [...]

What is the relevance of Big Data for Industry 4.0?

Big Data and Industry 4.0: what's the connection? What do these two concepts mean? What impact do these ideas have on business management? To what extent is one relevant to the other? We are in a scenario of transformation. Many companies have already identified this context and are applying technologies and innovations, while others are intensively studying [...]

How can you protect your company from phishing attacks?

Today's cyber attacks are varied: they combine extremely robust strategies with simpler tactics. Criminals assess which approach is best in each case. In some situations, it's ideal to take a very elaborate and modern action, while in others, classic actions work. Phishing attacks fit the definition of a classic attack [...]

What is virtual reality, how does it work and what are its applications?

Digital transformation is a reality in the various productive sectors and we can no longer fail to implement it internally in our businesses. To this end, it's important for managers to be aware of the technologies that allow it to be incorporated into day-to-day work. One of the most important and major trends, which can be implemented in the most [...]

Como otimizar o processo de tomada de decisão dentro de uma empresa?

É possível tomar decisões mais assertivas com o apoio tecnológico? Até que ponto o processo de tomada de decisão pode ser aprimorado? O olhar humano perdeu a validade? São as perguntas que cercam o mindset de gestores de negócios. Eles sabem que decisões são cruciais e não podem errar, mas os dados têm crescido muito […]


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