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FEBRABAN TECH 2024 (25 a 27 de junho de 2024)

Este ano a iT.eam está confirmada no evento Febraban Tech 2024. É o maior evento de tecnologia e inovação do setor financeiro, chega a 34ª edição. O congresso será de 25 a 27 de junho de 2024, no Transamerica Expo Center, em São Paulo (SP). A iT.eam valoriza o ganho de conhecimento e relações que […]

Start Now - LGPD marathon and the challenges of compliance in practice

A LGPD entrou em vigor dia 18 de setembro de 2020, ingressando com inúmeros desafios de adequação e dúvidas em sua bagagem, tanto para os cidadãos comuns quanto para as empresas brasileiras, principalmente. Todavia, apesar das penalidades estarem previstas para agosto de 2021, não devemos deixar o processo de adequação para a última hora, pois […]

2020 is iT.eam Security!

As palavras que marcaram o início deste ano para a iT.eam foram com certeza A segurança da Informação. 2020 é iT.eam Security!  Além do prestígio de sermos reconhecidos e homenageados pela IBM Security, em fevereiro, como parceiros destaques de 2019, participamos de dois grandes eventos da IBM neste mês de março: O LGPD Countdown Talk, no […]

Event: Your company will be affected by the LGPD. Are you prepared?

Faced with the need to protect the personal data of Brazilian citizens, the LGPD has emerged as a means of ensuring respect for privacy and information security by completely changing the way companies collect, store, share and use their customers' data. When it was sanctioned, companies believed that the deadline [...]

iT.eam on "GDPR: time to implement"

On 25/11/2019, iT.eam's LGPD Compliance team attended the second edition of the Seminar on the General Data Protection Law, organized by Prodemge, in partnership with ISACA-BH, which took place in the JK auditorium of Cidade Administrativa. The event "LGPD: it's time to implement" presented the public with experiences relating to the [...]

FIEMG FORUM: iT.eam was one of the guests at the event!

iT.eam was one of the 25 largest industries in Minas Gerais invited to debate the requirements of the LGPD at the FIEMG FORUM on Wednesday, July 10. It was a great opportunity for professionals from different companies and businesses to exchange experiences and to discuss the news, challenges, main doubts and impacts that the Law will [...]

iT.eam at CIAB FEBRABAN 2019

From June 11 to 13, the Transamerica Expo Center hosted the largest information security event for the financial sector, CIAB FEBRABAN 2019. It was three days full of high-level content and networking with the main companies and professionals in the field. Above all, we would like to thank [...]

LGPD Framework: new dates and venues coming soon!

LGPD Framework: new dates and venues coming soon! iT.eam closed its first semester on a high note! We passed through Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, Recife, Uberlândia, Salvador, Curitiba and Blumenau presenting our 6-step Framework, the solution to all your LGPD-related problems! Our last stops were Curitiba, [...]

Event in Salvador: Ready for LGPD?

Event in Salvador: Ready for LGPD? Is the clock ticking for or against your business? This answer is relative and closely linked to your organization's degree of planning. The countdown for all companies to adapt to the General Data Protection Law began in 2018 and the clock is ticking [...]

LGPD event in Uberlândia

LGPD event in Uberlândia In this period of uncertainty and countless impositions to comply with the new General Data Protection Law, is it possible to contemplate all the requirements in a simple way, without exhausting bureaucracy? Our answer is YES! iT.eam, doing things differently, has innovated and presents a Framework with just 6 steps to [...]


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Find out more about our services
+55 (31) 4063-7340 contato@it-eam.com
Rua Sergipe, 1014 | 6º andar
Bairro Savassi - Belo Horizonte, MG
CEP: 30.130-171