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What is a DLP solution and what are its features?

What is a DLP solution and what are its features? The digital transformation continues to grow exponentially and, along with it, come the challenges of information security. In this scenario, the DLP solution stands out. Many companies generate sensitive and strategic documents which, if lost, could cause major damage. Therefore, for professional businesses, [...]

LGPD e Coronavírus: entenda a relação entre eles

Estamos no meio de uma pandemia relacionada ao coronavírus. Contudo, também estamos no meio de debates cada vez mais acirrados acerca de liberdade, privacidade, direitos das pessoas e limites de organizações nas relações comerciais. Tudo mudou quando se começou a discutir a GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), lei de privacidade europeia, e a LGPD (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados).

How do attackers use PowerShell in attacks? Find out here!

PowerShell is a sub-technique of "Command and Scripting Interpreter", classified by MITRE under ID T1059.001 as an "Execution" tactic. PowerShell is a powerful interactive command line interface and scripting environment included in the Windows operating system. Attackers can use PowerShell to perform a range of actions, including discovering [...]

INVADERS ON BOARD: The similarities between Xenomorph and Ransomware

ALERTA VERMELHO! HÁ UM SER NÃO IDENTIFICADO NA NAVE. REPITO, HÁ UM INVASOR A BORDO! Um marco dos filmes de sci-fi ao se estabelecer como um novo paradigma para as histórias de terror, somos apresentados a uma nova criatura aparentemente indestrutível, com uma capacidade incrível de adaptação, reprodução, organização e destruição em massa que protagonizou […]

Do you know what a Process Injection is? Find out here!

Process Injection is a technique classified by MITRE under ID T1055 and is part of the "Defense Evasion" and "Privilege Escalation" tactics. It is used by malware to sneak code and tasks into operating system processes, in short, to insert malicious code into a legitimate process and bypass products and [...]

SAW | Security Anywhere

In the wake of the sheer amount of information that flows incessantly through various systems and technologies, as well as the scope and complexity of controlling this information, one of today's biggest concerns is protecting networks, systems, data and any other digital infrastructure from malicious attacks. In this [...]

Start Now - LGPD marathon and the challenges of compliance in practice

A LGPD entrou em vigor dia 18 de setembro de 2020, ingressando com inúmeros desafios de adequação e dúvidas em sua bagagem, tanto para os cidadãos comuns quanto para as empresas brasileiras, principalmente. Todavia, apesar das penalidades estarem previstas para agosto de 2021, não devemos deixar o processo de adequação para a última hora, pois […]

Understand the importance of information security frameworks

The digital transformation has brought many benefits to business, but at the same time insecurity, something that can be combated with information security frameworks. What is known as a cyber attack represents a major risk to the integrity of an organization's confidential and strategic data and information. With this important demand in mind, we have prepared [...]

Gestão de riscos e compliance: guia para manter a eficiência do negócio

Managing business continuity and information security in times of digital transformation necessarily involves risk management and compliance. These two concerns are crucial for companies to remain modern, stable and healthy in the market, with internal alignment in line with the best protection practices. These concepts are [...]


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