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Have you heard of vulnerability analysis? Here's why

In the race to automate processes and use the latest technologies, the volume of data to be managed by a company is growing and, in parallel with this, threats to privacy are also emerging. It is in this scenario that vulnerability analysis comes to the fore and presents itself as a solution for avoiding economic and image damage. [...]

Gestão de riscos e compliance: guia para manter a eficiência do negócio

Managing business continuity and information security in times of digital transformation necessarily involves risk management and compliance. These two concerns are crucial for companies to remain modern, stable and healthy in the market, with internal alignment in line with the best protection practices. These concepts are [...]

Do you know Spear Phishing? Find out now how this attack works

A study published in Exame magazine showed that, in just three months of 2019, Brazil suffered 15 billion cyber attacks, which puts Brazilian companies among the most susceptible to system breaches and data theft, especially through spear phishing techniques. But what is this threat? When we talk about [...]

Patch corrige nova falha crítica do Windows

Patch corrige nova falha crítica do Windows Patch da Microsoft  corrige a vulnerabilidade CVE-2017-8563. Essa é uma falha altamente explorável que permite tomar controle das máquinas mesmo sem credenciais administrativas.  O WannaCry e o Petya nos mostraram o quão grave isso pode ser. Duas vulnerabilidades críticas de “Zero Day” foram descobertas nos protocolos de segurança […]


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