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What is the human-machine interface and how important is it?

The digital transformation has made huge strides in recent years, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Talking about the human-machine interface in this scenario is a competitive differentiator for any entrepreneur. Now, what is HMI really? What are its main benefits? How has this technology developed over time? Above all, how can it [...]

Have you heard of vulnerability analysis? Here's why

In the race to automate processes and use the latest technologies, the volume of data to be managed by a company is growing and, in parallel with this, threats to privacy are also emerging. It is in this scenario that vulnerability analysis comes to the fore and presents itself as a solution for avoiding economic and image damage. [...]

Data virtualization in remote work: how has it been done?

Do you know what data virtualization is? In times of digital transformation, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, remote working has taken on enormous importance and has become essential for business. You may already be familiar with the concept, but how to go about it is another story, don't you think? That's why the ideal is to outline [...]

IoT Data: learn how to collect and analyze data

The Internet of Things is already part of reality for many companies. It is helping businesses to be faster, more robust and better prepared to face the daily challenges of their field. These results can be optimized with smarter strategies, such as IoT Data. IoT Data adds value to data from the [...]

Business Intelligence versus Data Science, qual é o melhor para seu negócio?

Por: Virgilio Santos | 16 de junho de 2020, às 13:30 Atualmente, as empresas buscam cada vez mais eficiência nas suas atividades. Um atendimento mais rápido e conclusivo, previsão de falhas, políticas de marketing satisfatórias e produtividade dos colaboradores são alguns aspectos que podem fazer com que elas se destaquem no mercado. Neste contexto, a […]

How to ensure data integration within the company?

When we analyze two of the main needs of a business today - data-driven and data-driven culture - we understand that one of the main points for achieving these results is data integration. By combining different sources, companies optimize their ability to analyse the information they have and achieve greater protection against [...]

Como o monitoramento de informações tem melhorado a confiabilidade dos dados?

Todos os profissionais que buscam conhecer mais sobre a tecnologia atual se deparam com artigos que apontam a necessidade do trabalho com dados. Isso porque ferramentas, como o Big Data e análise preditiva, têm turbinado a busca por novas oportunidades de negócio. Contudo, poucos falam sobre a confiabilidade de dados. Afinal de contas, é relativamente […]

Saiba qual a importância da qualidade de dados para a empresa

As organizações de hoje estão mais conscientes da importância da qualidade de dados. Armazenar dados de alta qualidade em um data warehouse ou aplicativo de business intelligence (BI) pode ajudar a garantir a qualidade das informações para os sistemas e as análises que dependem disso. Dados qualificados são importantes na tomada de decisões e no […]


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