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Big Data

Security Analytics: an essential tool for your company

Data security is critical for businesses that keep technology integrated into their day-to-day operations. The integration of solutions such as the Internet of Things, Big Data and cloud computing into corporate processes requires extra care with your data. In this context, Security Analytics is a key piece of [...]

What is the human-machine interface and how important is it?

The digital transformation has made huge strides in recent years, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Talking about the human-machine interface in this scenario is a competitive differentiator for any entrepreneur. Now, what is HMI really? What are its main benefits? How has this technology developed over time? Above all, how can it [...]

Everything you need to know about IoT in Industry 4.0

For some time now, technologies have been revolutionizing the history of the industrial sector by optimizing processes. However, no matter how advanced the factory ecosystem was, nothing that had been used before could compare to IoT applications in Industry 4.0. But how does this impact your business? In the midst of the digital age, [...]

What is the relevance of Big Data for Industry 4.0?

Big Data and Industry 4.0: what's the connection? What do these two concepts mean? What impact do these ideas have on business management? To what extent is one relevant to the other? We are in a scenario of transformation. Many companies have already identified this context and are applying technologies and innovations, while others are intensively studying [...]

How can data analysis help increase sales?

In recent years, data analysis has become increasingly present in the routine of business management and also in the daily lives of teams. However, are all companies prepared to put this methodology into practice? The answer is no! There are still a large number of companies that are unaware of [...]

Como otimizar o processo de tomada de decisão dentro de uma empresa?

É possível tomar decisões mais assertivas com o apoio tecnológico? Até que ponto o processo de tomada de decisão pode ser aprimorado? O olhar humano perdeu a validade? São as perguntas que cercam o mindset de gestores de negócios. Eles sabem que decisões são cruciais e não podem errar, mas os dados têm crescido muito […]

How to ensure data integration within the company?

When we analyze two of the main needs of a business today - data-driven and data-driven culture - we understand that one of the main points for achieving these results is data integration. By combining different sources, companies optimize their ability to analyse the information they have and achieve greater protection against [...]


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