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IoT and IBM Maximo in agribusiness: Know the importance!

Agribusiness has been using advanced technologies to improve and monitor production in the field, including big data, IoT, drones and the IBM Maximo platform. These technologies allow farmers and ranchers to obtain precise information on soil conditions, climate, crop growth and animal health, among other important aspects of agricultural production. But with [...]

IoT platform: what is it, how does it work and how to hire it?

Technology is increasingly adding value to businesses around the world. Embracing intelligence, such as an IoT platform, is a wise move that can generate a number of benefits for an organization's management services. Now, what does this platform actually represent? What are these benefits? How does it work and what are the [...]

Everything you need to know about IoT in Industry 4.0

For some time now, technologies have been revolutionizing the history of the industrial sector by optimizing processes. However, no matter how advanced the factory ecosystem was, nothing that had been used before could compare to IoT applications in Industry 4.0. But how does this impact your business? In the midst of the digital age, [...]

What is the relevance of Big Data for Industry 4.0?

Big Data and Industry 4.0: what's the connection? What do these two concepts mean? What impact do these ideas have on business management? To what extent is one relevant to the other? We are in a scenario of transformation. Many companies have already identified this context and are applying technologies and innovations, while others are intensively studying [...]

IoT security: learn about the main implementation challenges

Digital intelligence is becoming increasingly important in the business world. In this scenario, devices are much more innovative, requiring a real IoT infrastructure. On this path, managers face a number of challenges, but these are perfectly surmountable. That's why it's important to get to know the principles, the difficulties and the main measures [...]

Como otimizar o processo de tomada de decisão dentro de uma empresa?

É possível tomar decisões mais assertivas com o apoio tecnológico? Até que ponto o processo de tomada de decisão pode ser aprimorado? O olhar humano perdeu a validade? São as perguntas que cercam o mindset de gestores de negócios. Eles sabem que decisões são cruciais e não podem errar, mas os dados têm crescido muito […]

IoT in retail: what do you need to know about it?

Cutting-edge technologies are assets for those who want competitiveness, success and market leadership, and studying resources such as IoT in retail is one of the tasks of the manager of excellence. Now, there are a lot of concepts to really research, aren't there? That's why the articles are extremely useful for positioning ourselves on what we need to [...]

IoT Data: learn how to collect and analyze data

The Internet of Things is already part of reality for many companies. It is helping businesses to be faster, more robust and better prepared to face the daily challenges of their field. These results can be optimized with smarter strategies, such as IoT Data. IoT Data adds value to data from the [...]

Fique por dentro dos principais problemas e soluções do IoT na saúde

De um modo geral, a Internet das Coisas (IoT) é uma inovação tecnológica, cujo objetivo é proporcionar a integração de dispositivos conectados à rede mundial de computadores. Devido ao seu alto grau de personalização, ela pode ser moldada para fortalecer as estratégias de diferentes tipos de negócios, até mesmo a área da saúde. A IoT […]

Predictive maintenance: what is it and how can it help your business?

Imagine that your company could anticipate problems in the performance of a particular asset at an early stage of diagnosis. In this way, it would be possible to avoid a total shutdown of the services that use that equipment and keep business running at full steam. Predictive maintenance works in this way. Through constant monitoring, [...]


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