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What is the relevance of Big Data for Industry 4.0?

Big Data and Industry 4.0: what's the connection? What do these two concepts mean? What impact do these ideas have on business management? To what extent is one relevant to the other? We are in a scenario of transformation. Many companies have already identified this context and are applying technologies and innovations, while others are intensively studying how to implement them.

Technologies such as Big Data are playing a central role at the moment, helping managers to make better decisions and run businesses based on data. In this article, you'll learn more about this relationship. Check it out!

What is Industry 4.0?

Industry 4.0 is seen by many as the current stage of the industrial revolution. This new phase of the industrial environment is marked by a high level of automation, the use of data analysis and integration with intelligent sensors. In addition, Industry 4.0 employs the cloud and flexible work routines as factors that generate competitiveness and eliminate costs.

What is Big Data?

The term Big Data is used for technologies that enable the analysis of large sets of structured and unstructured data. This is not a recent idea, but with the popularization of technologies such as the Internet of Things, the increased accessibility of cloud computing and the growing number of users of social networks and smartphones, Big Data has gained new strength. Today, the amount of records available for analysis is growing exponentially all the time.

For companies, this is a major strategic factor. Big Data has brought the possibility of maximizing the quality of market analysis to the corporate environment. The company can cross-reference a much larger number of records (and with a proportionally large diversity) to obtain insights quickly and with a high level of precision.

How do Industry 4.0 and Big Data come together?

Big Data can be crucial to the success of strategies aimed at Industry 4.0. This is a scenario in which strategies are created continuously, which should be seen by managers as a great commercial opportunity. By adopting information analysis in critical routines, the company gains performance and the ability to position itself more intelligently in the market.

One of Big Data's main roles in this environment is to anticipate scenarios. Identifying market trends, consumer demands and points that present a greater risk of failure is much easier with the use of this technology. With it, more elements will enter the company's analysis, leading to innovative and accurate insights into factors such as:

  • the differentials that make some products more commercially successful;
  • the delivery routes with the highest operating costs;
  • frequent operational bottlenecks;
  • the behavior patterns of internal machinery.

This information and insight can be applied to all business planning. This will bring greater efficiency to day-to-day areas such as sales, stock, logistics and maintenance. As a result, the company will eliminate expenses and other factors that could negatively impact its profitability.

Market trends

Industry 4.0 is already a consolidated trend in the market. The new way of keeping machines functional has brought more flexibility to managers, as well as reducing costs and creating a more automated environment.

In this scenario, Big Data should be seen as a key to the success of Industry 4.0 strategies. Thanks to high-level data analysis, companies can gain new insights into what can be optimized in the operational environment or how best to structure internal services. This makes the company more competitive and innovative, without compromising on costs or operational risk.

Industry 4.0 is already a reality for many sectors. It is estimated that it will generate up to US$15 trillion over the next 13 years. Much of this revenue will only be possible with the support of technologies such as Big Data.

What is the application of Big Data in Industry 4.0?

As we've seen, there are many ways to optimize the Industry 4.0 concept using Big Data technologies. Here are some key functionalities that enhance this process.

Real-time operation

When we talk about Big Data, we have three principles: volume, speed and variety. This set can be very extensive and, at the same time, complex, which requires a lot of intelligence from the solution. This must happen in real time so that managers can make faster and more effective decisions.


Technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things) are helping to ensure that more and more devices are connected and monitored for handling, maintenance, operation and fault prevention, as well as interacting with people and other machines.


Another fundamental feature of the relationship between Big Data and Industry 4.0 is the capacity for integration between sectors and functionalities that technology can provide. In this way, the manager has more accurate data and any decision encompasses the nuances of other areas.

Improved process flow

Yet another important factor in a business. Having better-structured flows is fundamental to achieving greater productivity and generating more time for strategic thinking. At this point, the manager streamlines the operation and improves the production process.

What are the benefits for this industry?

The use of Big Data in digital transformation generates a series of benefits for Industry 4.0. With this union, it is possible to boost various management concepts, such as speed, precision and quality of decisions. Here are some of the clearest advantages.


Stratospheric platforms like Google are already talking about "exabytes", more than petabytes. At this point, the speed of delivery of large masses of data is fundamental for them to remain competitive to this day. Speaking of other businesses, even in the terabyte range, there is a very large amount of data and information, and if it were controlled entirely by humans, it wouldn't be able to generate the necessary efficiency.

Reducing costs

Especially with maintenance, with Big Data strategies and tools, it is possible to carry out predictive maintenance, monitor operation and optimize machine performance.

Improved decision-making

As we've already mentioned, today's managers need a technological basis to reinforce their decisions. There is no longer any way to rely solely on empiricism or experience, but these skills must be combined with data management for maximum effectiveness.

Has the relationship between Big Data and Industry 4.0 become clearer? In this article, we've looked at the concepts, impacts and studies of this technology in the scenario of data and information evolution.

What do you think about all this digital transformation taking place and what do you think about this connection between Big Data and Industry 4.O? Let us know in the comments!

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