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asset management

IBM Maximo Application Suite Monitor

IBM Maximo Application Suite Monitor O IBM Maximo Application Suite (MAS)  Monitor é uma solução abrangente para gerenciamento inteligente de ativos, monitoramento, manutenção preditiva e confiabilidade. Neste artigo, exploraremos suas principais funcionalidades e como ele beneficia as empresas. Principais Funcionalidades: Análises Avançadas: O MAS  Monitor oferece insights detalhados (Como detecção de anomalias) para otimizar os […]

IBM Maximo Scheduler

We all want time and efficiency at work, to ensure quality in services and that everything flows, efficient management of resources is crucial to the success of any organization. In the context of maintenance and asset management, optimizing work schedules are key to maximizing productivity and reducing costs, it may seem like a [...]

What are the main EAM solutions? See here!

Have you ever wondered how to guarantee the availability and efficiency of a company's assets? How can you maximize the useful life of equipment and reduce maintenance costs? EAM services could be the answer to all these questions. In this post, we'll explore EAM services and show [...]

For efficient asset management, get to know IBM MAXIMO EAM

O gerenciamento de ativos se tornou uma das áreas mais importantes para manter a funcionalidade de sua organização. Além de proporcionar melhores resultados com processos mais rápidos e eficazes, evita prejuízos financeiros e a perda de tempo com imprevistos e eventuais falhas operacionais. Justamente por esses benefícios, muitas empresas investem nesse ramo. Em um cenário […]

Understand how to improve your company's remote management

Lack of control and visibility can be a major challenge when companies deal with remote management. In the context of the pandemic in which we are living, this is a subject that deserves reflection and research to understand what can be crucial to solving this issue. Fortunately, there are some practical tips for improving security, [...]

Predictive maintenance: what is it and how can it help your business?

Imagine that your company could anticipate problems in the performance of a particular asset at an early stage of diagnosis. In this way, it would be possible to avoid a total shutdown of the services that use that equipment and keep business running at full steam. Predictive maintenance works in this way. Through constant monitoring, [...]

Maintenance: creating a preventive maintenance planning schedule

Like most things in life, assets follow a life cycle that can be summed up in five stages: planning, acquiring, deploying, managing and disposing of. Therefore, in order to deal with this, it is necessary to predict what types of assets will be needed, negotiate contracts with suppliers, allocate these assets, track their movements and record all the activities resulting from their use.

Understand the importance of corporate asset management

Companies need to keep constantly up to date, staying abreast of all their assets and the trends and advances that can be applied. This includes optimization tools and tactics, whose fundamental role is to ensure that all process-related assets can deliver high quality results. The asset management system [...]

Find out what APM is and understand its benefits

Buying new equipment, especially for companies that work with a lot of assets, can be very expensive. So one way to save money is by extracting maximum performance and extending the useful life of the company's existing machinery. One way to achieve this is through APM, Asset Performance Management. This tool is efficient for [...]

Understand the five basic pillars for a Data Driven company

Understand the five basic pillars for a Data Driven company Data is the new object of value in today's market. In order to achieve success, it is essential that companies know how to deal with it and how to extract information to make better decisions. The applications and benefits cover all sectors and departments, [...]


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