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What is Edge Computing and what are its benefits for analytics?

Cloud computing has continually evolved to meet the demands of the modern corporate world. In this context, Edge Computing has emerged as the best choice for those who want to invest in the cloud and have high performance when using new solutions, such as the Internet of Things. After all, this technology helps companies to have a functional infrastructure, with a high level of availability and good security.

Investing in Edge Computing means investing in a cloud model that adapts to the needs of digital transformation and Industry 4.0. The business will have a robust infrastructure that delivers data quickly and can be adjusted according to local demands. All this without compromising the security of the business and its employees.

If you want to know more about the subject and how Edge Computing can help you get better results from the cloud, read on!

What is Edge Computing?

Edge Computing is a cloud computing technology that can be used to bring the cloud closer to where the data is connected. This ensures that processing operations are more agile, secure and efficient.

What is this technology for?

Edge Computing was created to meet the demands of a world in which the Internet of Things is an integral part of the corporate environment. It guarantees the business that gadgets that require quick responses can remain functional even in situations of high demand. After all, the time needed to send and receive information will drop rapidly.

This work is done through continuous analysis of the data received by the equipment. The analysis will assess which should be processed within the Edge Computing infrastructure and which are better suited to the traditional cloud environment. This way, the company can minimize the response time of its tools and always have a high-performance environment.

When to use Edge Computing?

Edge Computing can be used whenever a company requires the cloud in a scenario where latency is a critical factor. In these contexts, the proximity of the cloud will be fundamental to guaranteeing a high return on investment. In addition, this technology can be used in scenarios where the business needs to cut back:

  • Internet bandwidth usage;
  • energy costs;
  • the size of your remote infrastructure;
  • the use of processing in cloud computing infrastructures;
  • the cost of implementing the Internet of Things.

What are the benefits of Edge Computing?

Investing in Edge Computing can bring great benefits to a business. Together, they help the company to be more competitive and better able to integrate technology into its day-to-day operations.

Check out the main ones below!

Improved data processing performance

Data processing in cloud applications is critical to the success of this type of investment. By identifying what should be prioritized in the cloud computing infrastructure or locally, Edge Computing makes this activity more effective. After all, the technology will make the most intelligent choice according to the demands of each moment.

This makes the entire data processing routine smarter and more efficient. Information traffic will be directed to the best places at all times. Thus, there will be more performance in the day-to-day running of the business.

Reduced data transmission costs

One of the critical points for those who invest in cloud computing is costs. Every business that adopts the cloud wants, to some extent, to make its IT investments more precise. In this sense, Edge Computing is an excellent way of achieving this goal.

Better targeting of traffic and where data is processed makes business spending smarter and more in line with the demands of today's corporate world. The company will make choices that prioritize cost-effectiveness, minimizing waste and operations that would spend more than necessary. In this way, the budget allocated to transmitting, storing and processing data will be smaller.

Integration between equipment

One of the great aspects of 21st century technology is integration. Integrated network tools can minimize costs and are always more usable. In addition, they allow innovative ideas to be applied in the corporate environment, giving the company more competitiveness and flexibility.

In this sense, Edge Computing makes it easier to unify the IT infrastructure, even if the equipment is spread across several locations. And as the sending and receiving of data will be done taking into account a greater number of factors, the chances of it not achieving its goals will drop. After all, the company will always direct its data according to strategic objectives.

Increased availability of IT services

In an environment where technology is integrated into our daily lives, the availability of infrastructure is fundamental to the success of corporate operations. This is especially true for processes involving the Internet of Things: the inoperability of a tool can, in many cases, cause critical pauses in the company's day-to-day operations.

Edge Computing can minimize the risks of this happening. IoT tools will be more integrated with the local infrastructure and data processing will be done in an environment close to the business. As a result, the chances of the company having failures in access to its equipment and strategic data will be much lower.

Investing in new technologies is fundamental to keeping any business ahead of the competition. Betting on IT trends allows companies to remain competitive through innovation and performance gains. This is precisely why innovations such as Edge Computing should be seen as strategic.

Edge Computing allows businesses to have a connected infrastructure without compromising their competitiveness. The company can invest in connected devices, mobility and data analysis solutions without fear of performance problems. So don't miss out on this alternative!

Just as important as the means a company uses to circulate information is the quality of its data. Find out more on our blog!

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