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4 IT trends to keep an eye on in your company

The technology market is constantly changing. New IT trends are always emerging and it's important that you know about them. After all, they promise to facilitate relationships and the growth of organizations. Considering investing in new technologies is fundamental to staying on the market. Here are 4 IT trends that are worth knowing about. Check them out!

1. immersive experience

The immersive experience is one of the IT trends currently taking place through virtual reality (VR) and/or augmented reality (AR). It can be achieved with any type of content, such as 360° images, 3D projects, 360° videos with or without camera movement, etc.

Through the immersive experience, you can bring realistic and detailed experiences to the user. For example, using 360º videos to provide a complete view of an environment such as a tourist spot or a property can make it easier for the target audience to make a decision and close a purchase.

To get good results, you need to understand how best to use the immersive experience according to the experience you want to give the user and what kind of content will be used for this. This way, the quality of the audience's immersion will be satisfactory and financially profitable.

2. Blockchain

Blockchain refers to transaction data technology, the core of bitcoin. Transaction data is saved in logs recorded on various computers. In the case of bitcoin, this system records the sending and receiving of cryptocurrency values.

Among IT trends, blockchain gathers all transactions into blocks, each protected by strong cryptography. However, it is public, which allows audits and checks to be carried out on recorded transactions.

Blockchain is not just limited to virtual currencies. It can be applied to various economic sectors, such as registering a shipment of a certain product on blockchain, for example. The impacts are positive, because thanks to the security of this IT trend, the recorded data is protected from errors.

3. Multicloud

The multicloud service is based on the use of more than one cloud service provider. This concept arose after the popularization of cloud types:

  • public: it is operated through a shared infrastructure and costs less;
  • private: its services are geared to each individual client, providing greater security;
  • hybrid: combines the characteristics of public and private clouds, allowing the use of the resources offered by each.

It is difficult for one provider to meet all the demands of an organization. With multicloud, you can reduce your dependence on a single service provider. With more options to choose from, you can opt for other cloud solutions and extract the optimum cost-benefit from this investment.

IoT Watson is one of the most important IT trends. It is a cloud-based managed service designed to simplify and add value from Internet of Things devices. Among the features offered are device registration, control, connectivity, data storage and quick visualization.

4. Business Intelligence

This trend refers to business intelligence, which is based on a set of theories, processes, methodologies, structures and technologies that turn large amounts of raw data into relevant information for strategic decision-making.

The first sources of data are obtained within the organization itself. After that, external information is collected, such as market aspects, customer decisions, consumer needs, etc. In this way, there is structured support for collecting, analyzing, organizing, monitoring and sharing information for business management.

So, by knowing the new IT trends, how they work and what their uses are, you can get ahead of your competitors and build customer loyalty to your brand. Remember that technological progress is a path of no return and the more up-to-date you are, the better your performance.

Now that you know the IT trends to keep an eye on, how about sharing them on social media with your friends? We're on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin!

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