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Cyber-attack knocks out communication systems in Europe

Mega cyberattack knocks out communication systems in Europe and the United States

On Friday morning (12/05) a major cyberattack knocked out communication systems in at least eleven countries in Europe and the United States.

The hackers used a type of virus known as "ransomware", which encrypts information on corporate systems and computers, demanding a ransom amount to normalize the organization's IT environment

In Spain, Telefonica's internal networks were hacked and in the UK, at least 16 public hospitals had their technology systems attacked by hackers, causing problems with access to medical records.

The companies' computers displayed "ransom" messages asking for payment in bitcoins, the currency used on the internet, equivalent to 300 dollars (R$ 940), to reactivate the systems.

The malware, which according to the Spanish press is of Chinese origin, used a security flaw reported in March 2017 by Microsoft in its M17-010 security bulletin. Classified as a high-criticality flaw by the manufacturer, the vulnerability fixed by patch 4013389 makes it possible to execute codes and commands remotely.

Often overlooked by corporations, patch management through automation tools such as IBM Bigfix is vital to guaranteeing the security and availability of their businesses.

Update: Attack also reaches Brazil! The Coordination of Information and Communication Technology (CTIC) issued the following alert: "The Central CTIC of the Digital Process warns that, in view of the worldwide attack on computerized systems that is taking place at this moment, we ask all MPSP users to turn off all computers immediately."

Some websites, such as INSS (Social Security), are supposedly down because of the ransomware attack.

iT.eam's partners are already prepared to deal with this situation. Make sure your solutions are up to date by contacting our team.

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[...] Cybercriminal action is a growing reality in virtual environments - and what's worse, these threats are increasingly sophisticated. In the business world, many companies have already been seriously damaged by advanced threats and targeted attacks. For this reason, knowing about the subject is a fundamental step towards protecting your data more effectively. [...]

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