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Understand the role of technology in asset management

The smooth running of a company depends on the efficient organizational management of its human and physical assets. This is crucial to the company's success. Good asset management - characterized as a set of practices for extracting value from business assets - can decisively boost a company's results.

It promotes the organization of all the essential apparatus for operation, including vehicles, machinery, generators, etc. Check out this article on the role of technology in asset management. Have a good read!

Ease of decision-making

The role of technology in asset management is to optimize the information management of equipment - in a unified way - from the most common to the most complex, as well as those that are fundamental to production lines. Proper management of these assets supports the security and convenience that technology provides.

Asset management software enables detailed mapping of the resources of the entire infrastructure, which makes decision-making more agile and assertive. This gives managers greater control over assets, allowing them to identify which ones need to be replaced, where they can be used more effectively, among other advantages. In this way, the routine of the organization's sectors becomes clearer.

Making the most of resources

An asset can be defined as something that adds value to the organization. By identifying these resources - which go beyond technology equipment and software - you have a comprehensive view of all the assets that can be reused. They can be

  • information: documentation, manuals, databases, system files, recovery procedures, etc;
  • software: systems, applications, utilities and development tools;
  • physical: machines, turbines, trucks, tools, etc;
  • services: lighting, electricity, heating, refrigeration, general utilities, computer and communication services.

With each type of asset well defined and identified, you can significantly optimize its use through its use, useful life and maintenance periods. In this way, you avoid unnecessary expenditure on replacing or acquiring new equipment and/or services related to the entire production base.

Knowledge of the company's reality

For the person in charge of the management department, a huge amount of work is required to understand the state of each piece of equipment and tools. Asset management is fundamental to understanding the business reality.

It is very important to know if the tools are being used correctly by the professionals or if they have everything they need to carry out their activities. A technological solution used in asset management provides detailed reports in digital form.

Therefore, the role of technology is to bring optimization and, as a consequence, free up a continuous flow of work to avoid unforeseen events and support maintenance deadlines and asset performance, which contributes to improving productivity.

In this way, with the help of technology in asset management, all the integral parts of the enterprise are aligned with the information that forms the basis for diagnosing demands, a factor that optimizes the entire production cycle.

Now that you've seen the importance of technology in asset management, don't forget to leave a comment on this post!


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[...] the integration of information technology into various corporate processes, it has become impossible to ignore the role of IT infrastructure in compliance policies. In [...]


[...] with the use of asset management software, this activity gains a new level of performance. The company now has a centralized means [...]

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