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Understand how information security monitoring works

Technological innovations have brought about significant changes in the way companies structure their operating procedures, guaranteeing a significant increase in productivity. However, all this apparatus of the digital age also presents vulnerabilities, such as the issue of data protection.

Now more than ever, information security monitoring deserves the attention of managers in general. With this in mind, we've put together a post so that you understand, once and for all, how these tools work. Check it out!

What does information security monitoring consist of?

The information security monitoring system consists of a series of resources, software linked to Information Technology, used to prevent important data about a business or its clients from being accessed and exploited by third parties.

The information security policy is developed based on three basic principles:

  • availability: all of a company's information, strategies and infrastructure systems must be available for viewing and modification, on time, by specific people;
  • confidentiality: restricting access to records and digital tools to the right people;
  • integrity: no loophole must be allowed for any data to be improperly modified.

For it to be implemented efficiently, all sectors of the company must be aligned with the set of guidelines established according to the organization's profile. This is therefore a measure that requires the engagement of the entire team of professionals and not just the manager.

Why is it so important to monitor information security in a company?

Information security monitoring is an extremely important measure, since the sooner malicious actions are discovered, the greater the chances of reducing the damage and the amount of data hijacked.

Most of the problems that occur due to a lack of monitoring are usually due to an information incident that could not be detected in advance. There are situations where clients have problems with cyber espionage, or someone who has access to the infrastructure steals confidential information that is difficult to detect.

And monitoring serves precisely to reduce the impact of these events because, if detected quickly, larger proportions can be avoided. Therefore, the speed of response is also essential if we are to have a quick solution.

Another classic example is Ransomware, a virus that encrypts and hijacks data. In such cases, if identified early on, it is possible to reduce the amount of content stolen and have a major impact on the company. Otherwise, the damage from this invasion can be devastating.

How does information security monitoring become a competitive differentiator?

In the face of fierce competition in all sectors of the economy, consumers are increasingly well-informed and convinced of their decision. The safety factor is therefore a differentiator that can make your business even more attractive - the smallest details can influence customer preference and loyalty.

In this context, many organizations have yet to see the protection of their information as an element that conveys trust in the company/customer relationship. Therefore, those who bet on the efficiency of this type of solution are one step ahead of their adversaries.

This helps to increase the chances of closing deals with qualified clients, who value choosing qualified companies with rigorous operating procedures.

How does this type of action prevent losses?

Cybercrime usually involves sophisticated and well-planned actions to develop encrypted codes that, once installed on their target, not only send the desired information to another computer, but also devastate the company's databases after achieving their goals.

That said, in addition to the loss of a large amount of relevant information, the manager will be faced with the need to invest in emergency repairs - which can be very costly and destabilize the company's finances.

When the information security monitoring system is used preventively, the cost of time and money is much lower, and the company also runs less risk of its strategic elements being exposed.

What are the main monitoring actions?

Among the main actions of monitoring is the analysis of attack patterns which, once detected, define the best course of action to remedy them, according to the company's profile.

With a specialized monitoring consultancy, personalized planning is sought so that the target company can respond to the attack as quickly and efficiently as possible.

It's worth remembering that the Data Protection Law (No. 13.709/18) was recently passed with the aim of imposing sanctions on companies that fail to comply with basic security procedures, demanding greater attention from all types of businesses - which further highlights the importance of adopting monitoring actions.

How does a monitoring center work?

The monitoring center has a 24/7 team proactively monitoring your database devices and servers to identify if anything strange is happening in the environment.

This way of working is essential so that they are always aware of whether everything is in order or whether there are any problems to be analyzed and resolved.

If there is no real-time monitoring, the chances of cybercrime gaining widespread proportions are high, and by the time the victim becomes aware of what is happening, the damage has already been enormous. That's why these tools are so important.

Information security monitoring is an increasingly present trend in the corporate environment. And it is so important that today there are specific laws that oblige companies to structure themselves in this respect. As a result, preventing data theft is no longer just a concern for the largest companies; now smaller businesses are also organizing themselves along these lines.

Did you like this post? Now that you know the importance of protecting your company's information, take the opportunity to get to know the solutions iT.eam has to offer. Contact us now for an assessment!

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[...] of data has been mentioned a lot recently by the press and security experts. Leaks of confidential information have sounded a warning about the importance of applying [...]

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