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Augmented reality for asset maintenance: understand the application

Did you know that augmented reality can be used for asset maintenance? Asset management policies are essential for the business to avoid risks and reduce the chances of a problem having a profound impact on costs and productivity levels. With this technology, the company can create a broader view of the state of its devices and thus guarantee greater efficiency for its infrastructure.

Want to know how? Then check out our post below!

The importance of having an asset maintenance policy

Maintenance policies play a key role in the corporate environment, especially when unified with asset management. In a highly competitive environment, they provide the basis for professionals to reduce risks and guarantee continuous performance for all areas of the company.

With devices working reliably, the company is more likely to avoid losses caused by unexpected failures. In addition, workflows will have a much lower interruption rate, which is essential if the company is to achieve its medium and long-term goals, avoiding delays and performance failures.

How companies use augmented reality for asset maintenance

To optimize asset maintenance policies, many businesses are already using augmented reality. This is a flexible technology that can be used at various stages of a company's maintenance processes to map problems, visualize solutions, guide professionals and make training more effective.

In training, for example, it helps people understand how a device works in a more interactive way. A virtual representation can be created and displayed in the environment. With parts that are easier to manipulate, professionals will have a greater chance of learning.

Problem mapping is faster and more accurate. The technician will be able to see more points on the machine at the same time and thus discover the best way to solve a fault. At the same time, their guidance in troubleshooting processes will be more innovative, since interactive mock-ups of the parts can be displayed with the support of augmented reality.

Work plans will be displayed graphically, helping professionals to carry out their tasks quickly and safely. A device's fault tree, information on recent maintenance, the availability of parts for replacement and what has been collected by performance evaluation sensors are some of the factors that can be displayed in real time to the person carrying out the maintenance. This way, the chances of correctly identifying the fault and finding the best solution are much greater.

The benefits of augmented reality in the corporate environment

Augmented reality helps companies at various stages of their processes. Consulting work orders, for example, is done in the field in a more interactive and dynamic way. Information about the device is displayed to the user in real time, helping to carry out routines and reduce errors.

The time taken to solve problems will drop in several ways. On the way to the service location, the maintenance professional will be able to visualize their route more precisely. Manuals, guides and other useful information will be more readily available. Maintenance will thus be much more assertive, precise and effective.

In short, a company can use augmented reality for asset maintenance and a host of other corporate processes, generating much more competitiveness and the ability to create business opportunities.

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